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sun 發表於 2016-5-6 02:49






结识莫尼卡,要感谢德国人Christian Wittern博士,是他在那年冬天把我介绍给莫尼卡,为她主持的“道藏辑要研究计划”的网页从事翻译工作,这是一个由台湾蒋经国基金会资助的大型跨国性学术项目,来自日、中、港、台、欧、美等世界各国的道教学者都参与其中。主页已建好了英文和日文的部分,我则负责将内容译成中文,创建中文网页。合作伊始,我和莫尼卡及她的丈夫瑞士人乌尔斯·阿普(Urs App)先生在京大正门内的意大利餐厅Camphor共进午餐。这个世界真是太小了,留着小胡子而充满绅士风度的阿普先生竟是柳田圣山先生的学生,专攻宗教学、佛学和禅学,故而和我有着不少共通的话题,工作内外聊得很畅快。这项翻译工作于2007年春天结束,期间我还为莫尼卡修改过一篇汉语论文《〈道藏辑要〉及其编纂的历史》。合作短暂而愉快,莫尼卡是一位非常认真的学者,有时为了网页一个词语的翻译,我们之间要通好几封邮件反复讨论。此后虽然联络不多,但由于我也加入了“道藏辑要研究计划”的团队,担任其中两部道教典籍的提要撰写,因此一直保持着邮件联系。对于那些年只读不写的我而言,撰写提要未尝不是一种正压力。好像是回国那年的春天,我在京大文学部门口碰到了来图书馆查书的莫尼卡,她依旧美而帅气,容光焕发。何曾想,那是我们最后一次见面。同年夏天,北京师范大学在年底要举办一个关于人文与宗教的研讨会,有关方面要我推荐一份日本的与会学者名单,我拟的名单中就写下了莫尼卡的名字,但不知道后来组委会邀请莫尼卡了没有。

至今仍清楚地记得,日本大地震的翌日即2011年3月12日一早,当我照常打开邮箱,一封题为“Sad news”的邮件跃入眼帘,这是香港的黎志添(Lai Chi Tim)教授发来的中英双语信件,我登时惊呆了,——“作为莫尼卡教授的朋友,我不胜悲痛的告知大家,莫教授不幸于三月十日下午羽化离世。根据麦谷邦夫教授的转告,莫尼卡的丧礼将于三月十三日下午二时举行。”这是一封群发给《道藏辑要》研究计划同仁的邮件,可我还是不敢相信,认为很可能是一个无聊的恶作剧,因为我与黎教授夙不相识,就在十天前的3月1日我刚刚和莫尼卡通过电子邮件。我立即给阿普先生及几个研究道教的同窗发去了询求真相的信件,而陆续接到的回覆则一次次击碎了我那一点点侥幸心。转瞬一年多过去了,此时心境犹悲凉莫名。


2006年12月13日 周三下午11:12

Dear Seki-san

   my name is Monica. We met some time ago at Professor Mugitani's seminar. I have just received your e-mail by Dr. Wittern. I wonder if you are interested in copy-editing/translation work for an international project on Daoism at the Jinbun.

   I have just finished a website and I would like to have a Chinese native-speaker who can edit and translate some parts of it. Fortunately at Kyodai they pay quite well for this kind of work which I guess does not take a lot of your precious time.

   Please let me know if you are interested as soon as possible. You can write me in Chinese or Japanese.

   Looking forward to having you on the board.

   Sincerely yours



2011年2月26日 周六 下午9:18

Dear Shi

  how are you? How is your life in China? And how is going your work at the university? I suppose you should now be happy to have joined finally your family.

  It is long time I did not have any news from you. I hope all is going well. Do you miss Japan?

  Please let me know when you plan to finish your articles for the Daozang jiyao volumes because we have also to translate them into English.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!


2011年3月1日 周二 下午8:26

Dear Shi

great to hear from you. Happy to know you spent New Year vacations with your family.

I am very happy to know that you are still committed in the Daozang Jiyao Project and you are working on your articles.

  I am very looking forward to reading your contributions to the Daozang Jiyao Project.

Best wishes



谨以此文追念我的朋友莫尼卡·埃斯波西托(Monica Esposito,1962年8月7日生于意大利热那亚,2011年3月10日卒于日本京都别了,莫尼卡!)。                                                     



                                 Monica Esposito (1962-2011)



·1993 La Porte du Dragon. L' école Longmen du Mont Jingai et ses pratiques alchimiques d' après le Daozang xubian (Suite au Canon Taoïste) [The Dragon Gate—The Longmen Tradition at Mount Jingai and its Alchemical Practices according to the Daozang xubian]. Ph.D. thesis, Paris VII, 1993 (under the direction of Isabelle Robinet)

·1995 Il Qigong, la nuova scuola taoista delle cinque respirazioni [Qigong, the New Daoist School of the Five Breathings]. Padova: Muzzio, 1995.

·1997 L'alchimia del soffio [The Alchemy of Breath]. Roma: Ubaldini, 1997.

·2012 (forthcoming) Creative Daoism

Edited Volumes

·2004 Special Issue: In Memoriam of Isabelle Robinet (co-edited with Hubert Durt), Cahiers d' Extrême-Asie No. 14 (2004).

·2008 Images of Tibet in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Etudes thématiques 22 (2 volumes). Paris: École française d' Extrême-Orient, 2008.

Selection of Articles

·1988 Shen Hongxun, Taiji wuxigong–La pratica delle cinque respirazioni del Polo Supremo [Shen Hongxun, Taiji wuxigong–The practice of the Five Breathings], Taiji wuxigong yanjiuhui, Shanghai, 1986, Biologica (Review of the Dept. of Philosophy, University Ca'Foscari, Venice)1/1988, 225–226.

·1992 Il Daozang xubian, raccolta di testi alchemici della Longmen [The Daozang xubian, a collection of alchemical texts of the Longmen school], Annali dell'Instituto Universitario Orientale LII, 4, 1992, 429–449.

·1993 Journey to the Temple of the Celestial-Eye. In David W. Reed (ed.), Spirit of Enterprise, The 1993 Rolex Awards, 275–277. Bern: Buri ed., 1993.

·1995 Il Ritorno alle fonti– per la costituzione di un dizionario di alchimia interiore all'epoca Ming e Qing [Returning to the sources– for building up a dictionary of Ming-Qing inner alchemy]. In M. Scarpari (ed.), Le fonti per lo studio della civiltà cinese [The sources for the study of Chinese civilization], 101–117. Venezia: Cafoscarina, 1995.

·1996 Il Segreto del Fiore d'Oro e la tradizione Longmen del Monte Jin'gai [The Secret of the Golden Flower and the Longmen tradition of Mt. Jin'gai]. In P. Corradini (ed.), Conoscenza e interpretazione della civiltà cinese [Knowledge and interpretation of Chinese civilization], 151–169. Venezia: Cafoscarina, 1996.

·1998 (in collaboration with Chen Yaoting 陳耀庭), Yidali daojiao de yanjiu 意大利道教的研究 [Italian Studies on Daoism], Dangdai zongjiao yanjiu 當代宗教研究 1, 44–48.

·1998 The different versions of the Secret of the Golden Flower and their relationship with the Longmen school, Transactions of the International Conference of Eastern Studies XLIII, 90–109.

·1998 Chief editor of entries concerning Chinese Religion (Daoism) and Inner Alchemy for the Dictionnaire encyclopédique de l'ésotérisme, edited by Jean Servier. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France (Absorption des effluves cosmiques, 5–6; Alchimie feminine, 51–52; Alchimie intérieure, with Isabelle Robinet, 55–58; Art de l'alcôve, 58–60; Corps subtil, 343–345; Daoyin, 365–367; Délivrance du cadavre, 377–378; Exorcisme, 500–502; Géographie sacrée, 532–534; Immortalité et Taoïsme, 642–645; Souffle et respiration embryonnaire, 1216–1218; Tao, 1262–1263).

·1998 Italia no kangaku to dōkyō kenkyū イタリアの漢学と道教研究. In Nakamura Shōhachi 中村璋八(ed.), Chūgokujin to dōkyō 中国人と道教, 83–104. Tokyo: Kyūko shoin 汲古書院.

·1998 Una tradizione di rDzogs-chen in Cina. Una nota sul Monastero delle Montagne dell'Occhio Celeste [A tradition of rDzogs chen in China: a note on the Monastery of Celestial-Eye Mountains], Asiatica Venetiana 3, (1998): 221–224.

·1999 Orakel in China [Oracles in China]. In A. Langer and A. Lutz (eds), Orakel – Der Blick in die Zukunft [Oracles-A view into the future], 304–314. Zürich: Museum Rietberg.

·2000 Daoism in the Qing (1644–1911). In L. Kohn (ed.), Daoism Handbook, 623–658. Leiden: Brill.

·2001 Longmen Taoism in Qing China–Doctrinal Ideal and Local Reality, Journal of Chinese Religions 29 (Special Number on Quanzhen edited by Vincent Goossaert and Paul Katz), 191–231.

·2001 In Memoriam Isabelle Robinet (1932–2000) –A Thematic and Annotated Bibliography. Monumenta Serica XLIX, 595–624.

·2001 Numerous entries on Daoism and inner alchemy in Le grand dictionnaire Ricci de la langue chinoise (Chinese-French, in six volumes). Paris: Desclée de Brouwer.

·2004 The Longmen School and its Controversial History during the Qing Dynasty. In John Lagerwey ed. Religion and Chinese Society: The Transformation of a Field, vol. 2, 621–698. Paris: EFEO & Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2 vols.

·2004 In Memoriam of Isabelle Robinet–An Annotated and Thematic Bibliography (revised and enlarged edition), Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie 14 (Special Number in Memoriam Isabelle Robinet, edited by Monica Esposito and Hubert Durt), 1–42.

·2004 Sun-worship in China–The Roots of Shangqing Taoist Practices of Light, Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie 14 (Special Number in Memoriam Isabelle Robinet, edited by Monica Esposito and Hubert Durt), 345–402.

·2004 Gyakuten shita zō-jotan no shintai kan 逆転した像——女丹の身体觀 (The inverted mirror: the vision of body in feminine inner alchemy). In Sakade Yoshinobu sensei taikyū kinen ronshū kankō kai 坂祥伸先生退休記念論集刊行会 (ed.), Chūgoku shisō ni okeru shintai, shizen, shinkō 中国思想における身体·自然·信仰 [Body, nature, and religious beliefs in Chinese thought] (A volume dedicated to Professor Yoshinobu Sakade), 113–129. Tokyo: Tōhō shoten 東方書店.

·2004 Shindai ni okeru Kingai-zan no seiritsu to Kinka shūshi 清代における金蓋山龍門派の成立と『金華宗旨』[The Secret of the Golden Flower and the Establishment of the Longmen Tradition at Mt. Jin'gai during the Qing Dynasty]. In Takata Tokio 高田時雄 (ed.), Chūgoku shūkyō bunken kenkyū kokusai shinpojiumu hōkukusho 中国宗教文献研究国際シンポジウム報告書, 259–268. Kyoto: Jinbun Kagaku Kenkyūjo 人文科学研究所 [see also below for the annotated version of 2007].

·2005 Shindai dōkyō to mikkyō: Ryūmon seijiku shinshū 清代道教と密教:龍門西竺心宗 [An example of Daoist and Tantric interaction during the Qing Dynasty: The Longmen Xizhu xinzong Tantric lineage]. In Mugitani Kunio 麦谷邦夫 (ed.), Sankyō kōshō ronsō 三教交渉論叢 [Studies on the Interaction between the Three Teachings], 287–338. Kyoto: Jinbun Kagaku Kenkyūjo 人文科学研究所.

·2006 Daozang jiyao ji qi bianzuan de lishi 道藏輯要及其編纂的歷史. (The History of the Compilation of the Daozang jiyao). Paper presented at the First International Academic Symposium of Daoist Literature and its Path to Immortality, Gaoxiong, Zhongshan University, November 10–12.

·2007 Shindai ni okeru Kingai-zan no seiritsu to Kinka shūshi 清代における金蓋山龍門派の成立と『金華宗旨』. (The Secret of the Golden Flower and the Establishment of the Longmen Tradition at Mt. Jin'gai during the Qing Dynasty). In Kyōto Daigaku Jinbun Kagaku Kenkyūjo 京都别了,莫尼卡!大学人文科学研究所 (ed.), Chūgoku shūkyō bunken kenkyū 中国宗教文献研究[Religions in Chinese Script: Perspectives for Textual Research], 239–264. Kyoto: Rinsen shoten 臨川書店, 2007.

·2007 "The Discovery of Jiang Yuanting's Daozang jiyao in Jiangnan—A Presentation of the Daoist Canon of the Qing Dynasty. In Mugitani Kunio 麦谷邦夫 (ed.), Kōnan dōkyō no kenkyū 江南道教の研究 [Research on Jiangnan Daoism] (Written Reports on 2003-2006 Research Project supported by Japan Foundation for the Promotion of Science [JSPS]). Also published in Xueshu Zhongguo 學術中國 [Academic China](2007.11): 25–48.

·2008 21 entries for The Encyclopedia of Taoism edited by Fabrizio Pregadio. London: Routledge.

·2008 "rDzogs chen in China: from Chan to Tibetan Tantrism in Fahai Lama's (1921–1991) footsteps. In Monica Esposito (ed.), Images of Tibet in the 19th and 20th centuries, 22 (vol. 2), 473–548. Paris: École française d'Extrême-Orient.

·2009 Yibu Quanzhen Daozang de faming: Daozang jiyao ji Qingdai Quanzhen rentong 一部全真道藏的发明:道藏辑要及清代全真认同. In Zhao Weidong 赵卫东 ed., Wendao Kunyushan 问道昆嵛山, 303–343. Jinan: Qilu.

·2009 The Daozang Jiyao Project: Mutation of a Canon, Daoism: Religion, History and Society (2009.1): 95–153.

·2009 The Daozang Jiyao and the Future of Daoist Studies. Paper presented at the International Conference New Approaches to the Study of Daoism in Chinese Culture and Society',' Chinese University of Hong Kong, 26–28 November 2009 (forthcoming in Lai, Chi Tim & Cheung, Neky Tak-ching, New Approaches to the Study of Daoism in Chinese Culture and Society, Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2011).

·2010 Qingdai Quanzhen jiao zhi chonggou: Min Yide ji qi jianli Longmen zhengtong de yiyuan 清代全真教之重構:閔一得及其建立龍門正統得意願 (Reinventing Quanzhen during the Qing: Min Yide and his will to orthodoxy). Paper presented at the International Quanzhen conference 探古鑒今——全真道的昨天,今天與明天, Hong Kong, January 6–8, 2010 (in press).

·2010 The Invention of a Quanzhen Canon: The Wondrous Fate of the Daozang jiyao. Vincent Goossaert & Liu Xun (eds.) Quanzhen Daoism in Modern Society and Culture, Berkeley's Center for Chinese Studies and the Institute of East Asian Studies (IEAS)(in press).

·2010 Qingdai daojiao - Jiangnan Jiang Yuanting ben Daozang jiyao 清代道藏——江南蒋元庭本《道藏辑要》之研究 (Daoism - A Study of Jiang Yuanting's Jiangnan text of the Daozang Jiyao). Zongjiao yanjiu 宗教学研究 (in press).

Documentary films

·Der Teebesen. 20-minute documentary film for the Japanese Bamboo objects exhibition in the Ethnographic Museum of the University of Zurich, Switzerland (2003) and at the Ethnological Museum Munich (Völkerkundemuseum München, 2006) (in collaboration with Urs App)

·On the Way to Tōhaku's Pine Forest. 20-minute documentary film for the Hasegawa Tōhaku art exhibition (2002) at the Rietberg Museum,Zürich (in collaboration with Urs App)

·Dangki – Les chamanes de la Chine. 51-minute documentary shown in 2001 on France 2 (in collaboration with Urs App).

·Oracles in China. 11-minute documentary shown at the Oracle exhibition 2000 at the Rietberg Museum, Zürich (in collaboration with Urs App).

·Oracles in Japan. 10—minute documentary shown at the Oracle exhibition 2000 at the Rietberg Museum, Zürich (in collaboration with Urs App).

·Dangki: Chinese Oracle Kids. 12-minute documentary shown at the Oracle exhibition 2000 at the Rietberg Museum, Zürich (in collaboration with Urs App).


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